
2024年秋季入学的美国本科生必须注册 for orientation to enroll at South. An email will be sent to all students admitted for Fall 2024 with information about the registration process. 选择合适的 navigation tab (on the left of the screen, Freshmen or Transfer & 成人)查阅详情. 注意:学生提交注册表格后,不能编辑或召回.
▼   How will Southbound 取向 work?

已注册南向入学的学生将被加入 在线课程,应在预定的培训课程之前完成. 学生将通过Canvas/USAOnline获得7-10天的在线课程 会议开始前. Canvas/USAOnline is the university’s Learning Management System and is vital to student success at USA. Incoming students should check their JagMail (学生电子邮件帐户),因为他们将需要接受邀请 online orientation course in order to participate. 

迎新会以不同形式提供,以配合不同学生的需要 和偏好. Please note that orientation offerings are on a first come, first 服务基础,所以学生注册越早,他们有更多的选择. Freshman 学生可以选择1天或2天的校园迎新课程. 转学生可以选择一天的校内迎新课程 or a 90-minute virtual orientation. 不管 which option a student chooses, 他们仍然可以亲自参加迎新课程和迎新周 机会. Click the tab below to learn more about each orientation format option.

▼   When will new students be advised and register for fall semester courses?

从4月23日开始,报名参加迎新活动的学生将由 他们的学术顾问通过JagMail安排预约注册课程. Students will receive an invitation to join the Canvas AATS Advising course. This 课程必须在咨询预约前完成,所有学生必须参加 their appointment in order to register for the upcoming semester. 对大多数学生来说, 该咨询预约将在学生预定的入学指导之前进行。 but depending on availability, it could also take place after.

没有ACT/SAT成绩,正在攻读STEM或商科专业的学生 will need to take the math placement exam before they meet with their advisor. 指令 on signing up for the math placement exam can be found here: http://ej9o.bb4vz.com/colleges/artsandsci/mathstat/placementinfo.html

▼   What will be offered at the on-campus orientation?

所有学生必须在预定的开始时间报到 (见确认邮件)到报到,作为迎新出席期间 这个程序是必需的.

注册并参加现场培训的学生将满足他们的培训要求 美国学生中心的领导们在他们预定的迎新日,在那里他们 将有机会:

  • Connect with student organizations and current Jags
  • 确保他们的捷豹ID
  • Visit the 美国书店 to purchase textbooks and supplies
  • 参加有关校园安全、教育法第九条、学业成功、财务的信息发布会 服务,和学生生活
  • 与其他新生交流
  • 与学院的教师和部门的工作人员聊天,了解更多 向南问问题
  • 在学生中心享用午餐
  • Participate in campus and community fairs
  • 拿起他们的捷豹欢迎包...and more.

One-day sessions will start at 9am and end around 4pm CST.

Freshman students may select a two-day on-campus session as available. 这些取向 sessions include an overnight stay in one of our 最新的新生宿舍. 学生将有机会选择室友(必须是学生) 是报名参加同一节课)还是成对的学生将被分配到每个房间 based on academic major and gender. Students must bring their own bed linens and remain 除非在家长陪同下,否则不得在学校上课 或监护人. 

学生在课程期间必须出席,但可选 for parents, so be sure to select a session that you can fully commit to. Parents must be registered for Parent 取向 to attend. 请参阅下面的父选项卡 additional details regarding Parent 取向.

▼   Will a virtual orientation be offered?

将会有一些虚拟方向选项可供转学和转学 bachelor's students who need them, as well as on an on campus option. 不管 所选的迎新课,学生仍需完成 online course pre-orientation and meet with their academic advisor. 所有学生必须 在预定的开始时间报到(见确认) 电子邮件)到报到,因为在整个课程期间,培训都需要出席.

参加虚拟迎新的学生将与迎新领导见面 在他们预定的迎新日通过Zoom了解更多十大玩彩信誉平台南方的知识并提出问题. 此外,所有学生都可以选择参加我们的南行开放日 during the Week of Welcome when they arrive on campus for in-person guidance.


Yes. 新生将有机会登记其父母/监护人 参加家长培训计划. The Parent 取向 program is intended for 成年支持者和新生监护人将同时运行 在学生会议上. Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to attend 与其他家长和监护人一起参加迎新活动 其他学生.

Parent 取向 is not required, but it is encouraged! 会有食物,有座谈 discussions, giveaways, and much more. The orientation fee for parents (up to 2) is included in their student's orientation fee under a flat rate.

注:由于场地有限,家长必须在学生的入学指南上注册 orientation registration form to attend orientation. 将有一个正式的登记 process for parents upon arrival and agendas will be provided.

请查看 为父母 选项卡获取更多信息.

▼   What should admitted students be doing to prepare for orientation?
  1. 仔细检查他们预定的迎新会议的登记和确认.
  2. 查看个人邮箱和JagMail账户,查看大学的通讯信息 十大玩彩信誉平台建议,指导,以及成功入学和过渡的下一步 to USA.
  3. 完成入学前课程中的录取学生清单 students will have access to prior to their scheduled orientation session.
▼   Can my orientation fee be refunded? 

新生入学培训是所有本科新生入学培训的必修课 fee is a university fee that should be paid prior to orientation registration. Formal requests for refunds must be emailed to southbound@bb4vz.com by June 1, 2024, if the student no longer plans to enroll in Fall 2024. 无论入学或注册日期如何,以下费用不予退还 2024年6月1日是最后期限.

▼   How can I get connected to campus virtually?

 Visit bb4vz.com/orientation 然后点击 订婚 选项卡的事件列表和查看记录从以前的方向季节.
