

Break the Silence: MENtal Health

Location: Student Center Rm 203
4:00 pm

Men are often excluded from conversations about mental health. 本次研讨会将 look at toxic masculinity and the toll it takes on men’s mental health, as well as providing a safe place to talk about men’s mental health

Collaboration/ Partners: Fraternities. We could pick one or get a representative from 每个人(戴斯蒙德和西蒙)


A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer

Location Student Center Ballroom 
Doors Open at 5:30 pm, starts at 6 pm

A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer is a groundbreaking collection of monologues by world-renowned authors and playwrights. These diverse voices rise up in a collective roar to break open, expose, and examine the insidiousness of violence at all levels: brutality, neglect, a punch, even a put-down. These writings are inspired, funny, angry, heartfelt, tragic, and beautiful. But above all, together they create a true and profound portrait of how violence affects every one of us.

Collaboration/ Partners: Improv USA, The Secret Shakespeare Society




Since 2001, people have shown up for this walk. Men attempt to walk a mile in a pair of high heels, confronting gender stereotypes. It also creates a safe space to talk about sexualized violence and inspires self-reflection and change 

Collaboration/ Partners: 十大信誉彩票平台, Greek, Jaguar Production 



Location: Student Center Terrace 
Date: Wednesday, 4月il 24, 2024
下午5:00 -7:00

第九条 Office along with campus and community partners will come together to Take Back the Night to promote ending sexual violence in all forms. 终止性暴力 is a long-term goal, and it requires ongoing dedication, education, and advocacy.  We will be taking a stand against sexual violence and work toward creating a world where everyone can live free from the fear of such acts. 本次活动将以 a candlelight vigil in memory of all survivors and victims of sexual violence. 

Collaboration/ Partners: Counseling & 健康,心脏,生命线